We work so hard. We see so many improvements in some areas,
while others seem to be in a holding pattern. Then there are the times we worry
that she is regressing.
Bianca goes through cycles. We notice that she will have a
flood of breakthroughs for a period of 3-4 months and then it is followed by
some kind of regression. It is almost like a wave crashing onto the shore. The
wave advances and beats down on the sand that is in its way and then retreats.
But as the wave returns to the ocean it carries some of the sand with it and
slowly over time erodes the beach.

I can hold her favorite stuffed animals in front of her and
ask, “Who is this?” and she will tell me. It is so cute, and you don’t realize
how much you take for granted communication with your other kids until you have
a child that struggles to communicate. The best are the moments that SHE
chooses to communicate. Often times it means that she comes up to me, climbs up
on my lap, grabs my face and puts her hands on my mouth to try and make me
mouth whatever it is she wants to say. Usually it is a request for a favorite
show, or something to eat or drink.
This morning I woke up to hear my mom (who along with my dad
were staying with us, and are morning people) exclaim, “Oh no! Bianca!”
Even half asleep I knew what was going on… a Code Brown. It
was 5:45 a.m.; I had gotten home from work and to bed at about 3:00 a.m., so Bianca’s
getting up did not alert me. I wake my wife up and hand off Bianca to her so
that she could give her a bath, while I cleaned up the mess… and it was a mess.
It has been a while since we had a Code Brown. Bianca has
been showing when she has to go potty by getting naked. Not an ideal way to let
us know, but it certainly gets the point across. As I cleaned up the mess, I
started to worry about regression. Could we lose the gains we have made in the
potty training department? I wasn't panicking, but it was just a sobering
thought. As I scrubbed, Resolved and wiped down the carpet, toys and walls
another thought crossed my mind. As it stands, this is no longer a daily occurrence.
How great is that? Bianca’s playing with
poop was something that for YEARS I never talked about to anybody outside of my
immediate family. Now I can talk about it openly, honestly and keep it in
perspective. When I post about Code
Browns or Poo-casos on my Facebook Page, I get support and understanding and
most importantly the understanding that others are in the same boat.
Could this be regression? Maybe. But just like that ocean wave pounding the beach, Bianca will beat this too... it might just take a little time.
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