Today I paid $20 for a $10 haircut... and couldn't be
I took Bianca to get her haircut today, and as soon as we
walked into the place, she started to melt down. I sat her in my lap to try and
keep her calm but she wanted none of it. She was flailing about, grinding her
teeth, trying to head-butt me and kicking all over… and the stylist had yet to
even touch her.
As Bianca weeps uncontrollably I wonder why I even bothered
giving our name ahead of time and killing time at Target. The whole reason I
didn’t stick around was because I didn’t want Bianca to get agitated while
waiting. I was trying to be Superdad and was out with my three kids and
adult male cousin who is great with our kids, but certainly not used to Bianca
blowing a gasket in a public place. My bride was attending the graduation of a
family friend and I wanted to surprise her with a new summer “do” for Binks.
A very meek and demure looking lady looked at me as two of
my kids were chasing after one another like maniacs and Bianca was in hysterics
and hesitantly asks who I was with. “Bianca” I reply while giving a head gesture
towards the kid who is now on the floor with tears streaming down her face and
snot bubbles coming out of her nose.