
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Caring for Military Kids with Autism Act

Please watch the following brief video:

Lets lessen the burden on military men and women by treating their families with the respect they deserve.

Please write your representative by showing your support in the passing of Caring for Military Kids with Autism Act H.R. 2288.

Also, please check out Rachel's blog Stimcity for blog posts written from the heart.

Thanks for everything you are doing Rachel and for your support of me. If there is one thing I have learned, from my advocacy it is that we are all in this together and the support from others who are dealing with ASD is amazing. We are family.

If you have not already, please take time to watch my videos, "Fixing" Autism and Autism Awareness with Nichole337 and share them with your friends.

To keep up to date with everying in Lou's Land, please subscribe to my blog. "Like" Lou's Land on Facebook and follow Lou's Land on Twitter


  1. My Friend, Lou - you have no idea what you have done for my spirit in this fight for our military families.

    As I stumbled upon this tonight, and watched with my husband, the tears just poured from my eyes. I cannot express just how moving your message is, or how desperately I needed to hear it.

    The fight has been an exhausting one. More than a year so far. And to also have stood by and watched those who have been doing this even longer, fighting even harder for our military families - it is unimaginable that we have yet to see real change for the 1 in 88 military children with autism.

    Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts - the Sergeant Major and I are so very grateful for your voice.

    We are so grateful for YOU.

    - William and Rachel

  2. Lou, I stumbled up on your site via a tweet from Rachel. You are fantastic. Thank you for this vital video. So grateful to have you on the same team!

  3. Lou, I stumbled onto this Via Rachel's Facebook Page. Like Rachel, I sit here with tears in my eyes. Like Rachel, I am a Military wife, a Mother to a child with Autism, and the biggest coincidence may be that my name is also Rachel! ( though I have NO doubt my finding her blog over a year ago was NO coincidence!) anyway, I say all this to say THANK YOU! from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU Lou, Thank you Rachel, Thank you to everyone who is standing up and fighting to make this change!
    Blessings and MUCH Hope~ Rachel

  4. Hi, Lou! I have also been directed to your page through Rachel as well, though I have seen your "Fixing" Autism video before. I would like to say THANK YOU, from the very deepest fiber of my heart, because if this bill passes my son will FINALLY get the therapies he needs. He turns three years old next month, has severe autism, and if he progresses it will be progression into the mild/moderate category. My son deserves this, all these families deserve this... and I NEED you to know that you and all of the bill's supporters are doing the right thing and are greatly appreciated. My son's father was injured from his tours to Iraq as a Marine Corps grunt, and because of that he is 100% medically retired from the military and yet my son STILL does not receive his therapies because only active duty families get autism therapies. This bill would allow my son, and THOUSANDS like him, to receive the therapies they desparately need and deserve. Thank you so much, I will keep fighting alongside all of you until ALL of our children receive the therapy they need.


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