
Friday, August 19, 2011

A Special Thank You!

I just wanted to take some time to thank everybody that has taken the time to watch and comment on my "Fixing" Autism video. I think I have shed as many tears reading the stories that are being shared as it sounds like viewers have shed while watching the video.

Even greater thanks to my Facebook and Twitter friends, subscribers to Lou's Land, and Marc Sirkin at Autism Speaks. I could not have gotten this message out without you.

Lou... and of course, Bianca.

If you have not already, please take time to watch my videos, "Fixing" Autism and Autism Awareness with Nichole337 and share them with your friends.

To keep up to date with everying in Lou's Land, please subscribe to my blog. "Like" Lou's Land on Facebook and follow Lou's Land on Twitter


  1. Together is better..we have to move it,
    work, inform and fight for our kids:)

  2. I love your video -- I've featured it on my "Autism Works" posts:

  3. Just wanted to say that your video was beautiful. I have a daughter with cerebral palsy, but had autism-like symptoms for most of her 7 year old life. I love your promise that you will make Bianca the best she can be. As a parent, that is all we can do for any child. Committing to do that for a child that is autistic however, is exceptional. Thank you for sharing that piece of your life; I have been sharing with my network of friends.

  4. Hi, I saw your video through Facebook. Thank you for that. I was just researching something for my class (not related to autism) but I found a website that has a lot of information on autism research. You might have seen it already but I thought I'd let you know about it anyways, because it would be amazing if they could treat autism. Here is the link

  5. You "said" everything I have felt and thought. I had my son tested at 15 months after seeing him go into that fog and losing the words e learned. We would be in the same room....but I felt he was miles away. He is 4 and quirky. I still, and always will fight for autism even though he seems "normal" to the untrained eye. Thank you for sharing.

  6. I love your videos. :) Bianca is just so gorgeous!!

    You have a real talent for vlogging.

  7. Lou - thank YOU for making such an incredible piece of work. We all love Bianca here at Autism Speaks :)

  8. hahahah! That's awesome.

    Also, nice tone on the Backyardigans tune. Now it's stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

  9. I want to thank YOU for making it. I can't watch it without sobbing.
    My only child, Sonia, is almost 4, beautiful, funny, and autistic.
    Your video captured the effect autism has on a family PERFECTLY. Our experience has been nearly identical to yours. The toll it takes is hard to convey, but I think you have done it beautifully.
    I posted the video to my FB page and have e-mailed a link to your blog to many members of my friends & family.
    I write a column about our family for Dormont-Brookline (PA) Patch.
    It's not always about autism, but then again, I guess it always is, you know? :)
    I invite you to check it out. And please keep the blog posts coming.

  10. Thank you so much for your honest video that I received via facebook. My daughter is autistic and she is five.

    We are the lucky ones. We are able to privately afford ABA therapy and my daughter has responded and come such a long way. This is not a cure but it means that my daughter is able to go to a mainstream school and, for the most part, able to function normally. It cost us over $50 000 a year and our savings have dwindled to just about nothing. I have had to work harder than I've ever worked in my life.

    We are so outraged that ABA is not free in our country - Australia. So I spend a lot of time being like you: honest and open about my child, I speak publicly at uni lectures about our journey and try to arm myself and others with facts.

    Keep up the good fight. And if you are interested in our fight for free ABA then check out:

  11. I put your video link in my newsletter this morning and I am going to post it on my blog. Our 9.5 year old son is autistic and has also suffered a brain injury. He is the 6th of 8 children. He did not talk until he was 3.5 years old but with a lot of speech therapy he is doing great as far as speech. I feel your frustration and desire to "fix" things. I am right there with you!

    Please feel free to read our story and stay in touch as our children and families travel down this road. I would like to post any future videos to my blog. If you find something helpful on mine you may use it as well. You can visit our blog at

    Thank you for putting a smile on my face today and renewing my energy to do all that I can for our Joseph to be the best Joseph he can be! You are an awesome dad!!!!

  12. I wanted to thank you for making, and sharing, that video. Well done.

    ~ john

  13. Video hit home, I cried! Thank you gor saying what needed to be said. I vow to keep posting this video until we see significant increase in funding and awareness!

    Todd C Schramm

  14. Hi there I am a SAHM to two boys. My oldest is 4.5yo. A few weeks ago he was diagnosed as a High functioning Autistic.
    I wanted to say thank you. This blog, your honesty has helped me feel less alone on this journey.

  15. Great post. I shared it on my Facebook page so that more folks get to see it. What a beautiful girl you have and what a great father she has.

  16. That's my little girl's story. Typically developing until a year, lost everything at 15 months, and diagnosed autistic - although at 19 months. Keep fighting. I will too!

  17. Hi! My boss just posted this link on Facebook and I have done the same... I am an ABA therapist and consultant; videos like this (both of them!) make me realize why I do the job I do. I'm sure I speak for everyone in my field when I say that we vow to do the very best we can to help all kids like lovely Bianca.
    Let me know if you need any more word-spreading! Take care and look after yourself and all your family.

    Charlie Bell

  18. I posted the link to your youtube video on my blog "Hist Treasured Princess". If you get a minute, I'd love for you to stop by.

    My family experiences autism as well. Our daughter is 5, her name is Kylie.

    Bianca is beautiful!! I loved that you kept the "Thank You" clip fully intact. I think it is good for people to see how exhausted we parents can get trying to help our kids do what most "typical" kids consider "easy" (like saying thank you) ...

    Love Bianca's socks too!

    So glad Bianca has such a great dad and supportive family!!

  19. p.s. here is the link to "His Treasured Princess" and my post about your video

  20. No, thank you for having the courage to speak up, and the creativity to make it moving and poignant. Our older (4.5 yr old) daughter has autism, and I can't say enough how well you captured the emotion in so few words. Out here in the San Diego area we have a growing autism Men's group for dads and other men involved with autism (a sub-group of the National Foundation for Autism Research). I just wanted to point out that it has been an extremely exciting experience seeing dads like yourself so involved and passionate. I hope that continues to spread, and I'm sure with all the posts I've already seen on Facebook, you will be even that more energized!

    Best of luck to your family, and I will be bookmarking your blog for sure!

  21. She is sooo adorable I couldn't stop smiling!! I saw your other video shared on FB, your experience is very similar to ours with our youngest son. Our older two boys have autism also, but they didn't regress (they were autistic from birth, we just didn't know it at first).

    Best of luck to you and your family!

  22. You were speaking the words of my heart. My two younger boys have Autism. It seems like a never ending battle, especially between insurance companies and school districts. I had to learn to self educate myself and in turn I am in school to help others.

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers

  23. Lou, you're still a hoot. Bianca is a beautiful gem. I actually think I have been in that chair with my own kids trying to get them to say thank you, although I did not have the cool "Please Stand BY" page!! Keep up the good work friend. :) Kristi

  24. Hi Lou; I'd like to put a link to your blog on my blog, SWEET ANIMAL, which is also on blogspot and also about autism parenting. Perhaps you can put a link to me, also.

  25. Hi, we posted this lovely video on our page at

  26. Amazing video. You captured the emotional roller coaster that is ASD perfectly. I've experienced everything you describe, know all the facts you provide and yet I've never seen it done so simply and powerfully. All the best to you, your family and your Bianca.

  27. Hi Lou,

    As anybody with a heart would be, I was completely moved by your video. I am a Producer in Los Angeles and would like to discuss an "idea" with you. If you have a minute, please email me to discuss.


    Jason Kavner

  28. I made a video years back. to say a lot of what you had to say. I made mine before losing my home because I opted to pay for an attorney for my kids to fight the school district that was depriving them of FAPE. I would live in a car (no worries, I don't) with my kids before I ever let anyone deprive them of anything they need. The battles have changed as they get older, but it's an uphill battle every single day. It should not have to be that way, but for now, since it is- BATTLE I WILL!!! Here's a link to my daughter's latest clip. . I'm with you- nothing to "fix"- they are our babies. My goal is not to find a mythical cure for something there is no cure for.... my goal is to help my kids to become as independent as they can be and to be HAPPY! thanks for posting that video. It hit home. Hard.

  29. Hi I am Karen and my sister made me watch your video. I usually do not. I have three boys, two who have Autism. I know and feel your pain everyday. But I see hope and improvement in my boys and know how lucky I am to live in Canada where most of my therapies are covered. What needs to be fixed more then our children is the mindset and perception of what Autism is. Unlike Cancer and other diseases there is more then one way to treat this disorder and not one cure for everyone. Thank you for doing this. It was painful to watch because your story is our story and the story of so many others out there. Thank you.


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